Chata – March, 2016
Chata found her fur-ever home with Jody and Jeanie!
6 Month Update
“We haven’t been in touch for awhile, but I have been wanting to let everyone know how deeply Chata has imbedded herself in our hearts.
“In March and April, we were pretty worried about her prey drive and reaction around cats, and the worry made us tense and watchful. We worked with her in a reactive dog class, where we quickly realized she already knew everything and it was more about training us than her! Time and patience, plus a very dominant and intolerant male cat, helped her to acclimate to the feline world she was dropped into. Now the only cats she gets hot about are strange ones we see in her walks… Which is the same reaction she has with birds and dogs smaller than her. We also discovered that her reactive behavior to dogs is largely because of being leashed; when she visits other dogs at their house, unleashed, she is fine.
“Anyway, the real story is how much she wants to please us, how loyal and sweet and silly she is, and how she is really a weenie who is afraid of loud noises and sudden movements! And how good she is around the cats, (cowed by the male cat and ignored by everyone else). We have a feral but friendly group of kittens in our yard: one ran from her a few months ago, which started her with play chasing, until she saw a second one behind her and got freaked out. Jeanie was treated to the sight of three animals all running away from each other, in the same direction!
“We love Chata so much! She gives us gentle kisses, completely the velcro boxer she was advertised as, she is the least hyper boxer I have ever met, but has the capacity for zoomies when given the room! She is quite intelligent, slow to relax at first but now is completely bonded to us. She is the perfect boxer for our small yard and house and life!”
~ Jody & Jeanie