2016 SYM Team Member: Peter I. August 9, 2016/in SYM 2016 /by ncbr “We are very happy you guys helped to make our lives complete, so why not help NCBR to help many others? Both human and canine!” You can help Peter support us at http://bit.ly/PeterAndRaisin. Or you can join the NCBR team at http://www.strutyourmutt.org/goto/NCBR. https://ncbr.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/SYM2016_Profile_PeterI_1.jpg 794 800 ncbr http://ncbr.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/NCBR_logo_2015-293x300.png ncbr2016-08-09 01:45:462016-08-19 21:12:212016 SYM Team Member: Peter I.