2016 SYM High Honor Roll: Kim H.

Thank you for your donation, Kim & Lexi!
“After having boxers in our life for the past 12 years, Lexi (mini rat terrier) and I agree that boxers are loving, funny, energetic, wanting to please, and a soulful breed of dog! Supporting the selfless work of the Northern California Boxer Rescue in saving boxers in need is a rewarding and worthwhile cause! Now is the time to give! Don’t wait until it is too late for one of these precious lives! This post is also to honor my sweet little girl Lexi for having patience and a willingness to share her home with a foster boxer (failure)! Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers at NCBR!!”
~Kim H.
You can join or support the NCBR team at www.strutyourmutt.org/goto/