Sugar – November, 2018
Our dear Sugar (NCBR ’14), my Sweet Pea, passed away peacefully in her sleep the morning of November 30, 2018.
Our girl had boundless energy, always wanted to play, and wasn’t bashful about letting you know that you should join her. She loved her car rides, hanging her head out of the window as far as possible. She loved children and let them pull on her jowls, all the while smiling and wiggling her little nubby tail. She loved barking at and boxing with her brother Dude (NCBR ’12), relentlessly badgering him until he’d play with her. And when Clyde (NCBR ’16) joined us, he was completely smitten with her.
We loved all of her funny snorting noises, deep snoring, snaggle tooth smile, generous personality, and take charge attitude. Everyone who got close to her was rewarded with countless slobbery kisses. She was also a sensitive girl who left no tear or foul word unchecked. She always knew when we needed her most and would curl up with us when we were feeling low or sick.
In May 2018 she was diagnosed with lymphoma. She fought hard, managed to go into remission in September, and then lost the hair on her face and legs – which had just started to grow back with lots of new brown “freckles”. On November 28 she was diagnosed with Boxer Cardiomyopathy and spent the night at SAGE for treatment. We brought her home November 29, not knowing it would be our last day together.
I can’t begin to recount or give justice to all the joy the 4½ years we had with Sugar brought us. We didn’t get to have enough time with her, but 10 or 15 years wouldn’t have been enough either. We’ll be forever grateful to Rebecca for suggesting we meet her and helping us adopt her as well as all the NCBR volunteers who played a part in saving her in the first place. One of Sugar’s favorite foods (besides anything we were eating) was peanut butter, so we had peanut butter shots in her honor.
Run free, Sugar. You’ll always be my girl.